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What Is Hugo Static Site Generator?

On this articles, we will get to know more about what Hugo static site generator is and the 5 main reasons I chose to blog using Hugo

What is Hugo’s Static Site Generator?

On this articles, we will get to know more about what Hugo static site generator is and the 5 main reasons I chose to blog using Hugo.

This started with my strong desire to learn programming where I tried to get out of my scientific routine which was more involved with Networking, so I finally decided to learn trending programming, namely programming for mobile apps. Where the first step I took was to create a personal blog as my own personal record of how far I would learn mobile application programming. The first programming lesson that I will learn and document is the Kotlin programming language.

After quite a process of looking for references here and there regarding the blog engine that I will use, finally I found a static site from Hugo as my choice to start a blog to document what I learn and indeed my hobbies are reading and writing, Of the many types Finally, my static site generator prefers Hugo.

what is hugo static website?

Hugo claims to be the fastest SSG framework at the moment, but for myself who is still very new to the world of programming, the world of website or framework development, of course I am very enthusiastic about that statement, where in the future I will try and prove the statement as stated on the official Hugo website itself.

then what is hugo?

Hugo is a static web generator written in the Go programming language. Hugo was developed by Bjørn Erik Pedersen, Steve Francia, and other contributors. Hugo is an open source project under the Apache 2.0 License (Wikipedia’s answer). So basically Hugo is essentially a popular open-source framework for building a website, we can make this even if we are just getting into the world of blogging or just learning programming where Hugo himself makes it very simple, I only need a text editor and a terminal which is basically default already installed on my laptop operating system.

So what made me choose Hugo?

  1. Hugo is lightweight and easy to learn even by beginners. This is my personal opinion

  2. The large community is the reason why I chose Hugo, because every problem or obstacle we face in the Hugo Community forums is sure to be mostly discussed.

  3. Complete documentation on Hugo’s official website, this is one of my favorites. I can freely start practicing building a website just by following the complete documentation on the Hugo website. Even to make a template according to my own wishes, I just have to follow the documentation available on the official Hugo website.

  4. The reason for the budget limit is that you don’t want to bother renting a hosting service. I myself only have the capital to buy a domain, so how about hosting? Don’t worry because at Hugo there are many options for hosting, we can take advantage of free services such as GitHub, GitLab, Forestry or Netlify and many more. And all that we can get with the free service.

  5. Become smarter, if this is what it has to do with it? I take an example from my own simple blog. Maybe for a website master, making a static site website with Hugo might be very easy, even for making templates. But this does not apply to a beginner like me, or those of you who are just starting to become a web developer. From Hugo we can understand the directory of a website, like it or not we start to know what GIT is, and over time we are faced with having to understand several programming languages ​​to make our own templates. Interesting right ? without realizing it, as time goes by, we begin to understand the world of websites, it remains only for us to develop the knowledge we have acquired to continue to hone our skills.

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