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Git Command for Beginners

The following are basic commands for using Git that are suitable for beginners to know and understand

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The following are basic commands for using Git that are suitable for beginners to know and understand, more specifically for me personally because this article is one of the places where I summarize what I have learned

Then I will periodically update this article by continuing a similar discussion to this article but with Git commands and other explanations as time goes by I use Git. The list below is a must-know category of basic Git commands, along with explanations:

  • # Git add

    This command is used to add a new file to the selected repository.

  • # git status

    We can use this command to find out the status of the local repository that we created.

  • # git commit

    We use this command to save the changes made, but there are no changes in the remote repository.

  • # git push

    This command is used to send file changes after being committed to a remote repository.

  • # git heat

    This command is used to create a repository in local files then where there will be a .git folder

  • # git clone

    This command is used when we want to make a copy on the local repository.

  • ## git branch

    This command is used if we want to see all the branches in the repository.

  • # git merge

    This command is used to merge the active branch and the selected branch.

  • # git log –author=namaAuthor

    This command is used to view the commits of a specific author.

  • # git log –name-status

    This command is used to view files/repositories that have changed.

  • # git log –help

More precisely, you can type git log –help to find out the other parameters.

SI am very grateful to the author of the article where I previously learned to get acquainted with the Git command, I found the article on this website.


I hope this article is useful, enjoy learning!

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