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Get to Know Theme on the Hugo Static Website

In discussing this article, I will discuss the details of the template used on my current blog

0. Tips for using templates made by other people

In discussing this article, I will discuss the details of the template used on my current blog. But before discussing it, I also took the time to discuss tips on using templates made by other people so that we understand each section and its layout. Where are the things I do after downloading templates made by other people I will dissect and if necessary record the contents of the files in the template one by one.

Then I will start reading and understanding the contents of the codes that are arranged in it, but the earliest thing I did at that time was to record the entire contents of the file in it, at least there are several points that I will discuss, including:

  1. What is the name of the template used?
  2. Why don’t I make my own template?
  3. What I did after finding the desired template.

Okay, let’s discuss the 3 points above for more details about this template.

1. What is the name of the template used?

The template I’m currently using for Hugo’s blog is a template called Hago theme which I got for free [HERE] or you can download it by going to GitHub to the people behind the template maker [HERE]. I like this template because it’s simple, it reminds me of my habit of reading articles on well-known sitesMedium, simple but good for reading every content of the content in it because in my opinion the layout of each component is inMedium it’s neat and uncomplicated. That’s how I felt when I found this template. The features presented by the creator for this template include:

  • Responsive web
  • Tags Page
  • Categories Page
  • Google Analytics
  • Comments
  • jQuery 2.2.4
  • Bootstrap 4.4.1
  • Awsome Font 5.8.2

Is it enough to get here the features? of course not, yes there are some that we have to perfect and adjust to our wishes. The name alone is a template made by someone else, so we adjust it to the creator, then we just add it for improvement.

The advantages that I get by using templates made by other people are:

  • Save time because I don’t make it from scratch

  • For beginners like me, it is very helpful to have a template like this where if I make it from scratch it will be more time consuming.

  • I have new knowledge, as I said because I am still very new to the world of programming so I will be carried away to want to learn what is needed to make a template like the one I am using.

Weaknesses by using templates created by other people include:

  • There are parts of the features in the template that are not what we want, this is certain because sometimes even though the front view of the template is what we want, there are other features that are far from our expectations.

  • It’s much more difficult to learn all the components that are built into the template because we didn’t design it from scratch.

  • In my opinion, a sense of satisfaction is lacking, because the overall content of the blog or the template is not entirely created by us.

2. Why can’t I make my own template?

actually before I used this template, I had the chance to make my own template by following the guide on making a template from scratch for Hugo where I got this guide from a blog that was both built using Hugo but I think this blog is very good and always motivates me to have blog class this blog that is [Petani Kode] After some consideration, I feel that I haven’t had the opportunity to continue making templates that I’ve made and then attaching them to this blog because I’m currently focusing on learning mobile programming using the Kotlin programming language.

I thought I would break the focus if I built my own template but right now I’m still excited about learning Kotlin, so I finally decided to use a template made by someone else while when the time is possible I will update my blog to use a template made by myself, where I just perfecting the template that I had made before.

This is also more about time efficiency where the faster the blog that I build with Hugo, the faster I will document every new knowledge that I learn and put it in writing on this blog.

3. What I did after finding the template I wanted.

What needs to be understood after finding a template to your liking is not expecting it to be perfect for everything in the template, of course, because of course we need other changes from the template that we have downloaded or at least perfect the features because the templates that other people make are not necessarily the whole as expected. After point tips like at the beginning of this article I discussed where I already understood the entire contents of the file that created the template on this blog, what I did after finding the template I wanted was I started slowly to change some parts, as it seems now I can I feel that there has been a slight change in the appearance of the original template from its creator until now I am using it. Oh he did not forget I also added some parts of the script for needs THIS in some of these template files.

Hope this article helps, happy learning!

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