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Ethical Hacking

It should be remembered that this article is a series of lessons from part 1 on ethical hacking to part 7 that I studied

explaintation about this series

It should be remembered that this article is a series of lessons from part 1 on ethical hacking to part 7 that I studied, to summarize so that there is not too much discussion I decided to shorten the discussion

Articles on the hacking series are not recommended for those who are very beginners, I do not explain with detailed pictures or videos and also do not explain the basics of the Kali Linux operating system starting from how to change directories and run the command line. I hope those who study this hacking series are familiar with open-source operating systems so that further on in the next part you won’t experience too many difficulties.

parts 1 to part 7 are as follows

This article is a summary of the discussion on ethical hacking material in parts 1 to part 7 that I have learned, while the points that I got during learning parts 1 to part 7 are as follows:

  1. install virtual box and prepare virtual machine
  2. installation of kali linux os in vm
  3. understanding the basic Kali Linux commands and studying the directories and contents inside the characteristics of the Kali Linux operating system.
  4. ethical hacking session starting from information gathering

just the first stage of information in learning to do hacking after all the preparations have been completed starting from reconnaissance or gathering information (information gathering)

In the information gathering that must be identified, namely the IP address of the attack target, physical address, email address, username, etc. They also use tools like whois, what web, theharvester, hunter.io, or Sherlock. it also includes making its tools with the Python programming language to find out the location of the target server of the attack target in this case a website.

the earliest stage of preparation for learning ethical hacking is preparing a virtual machine in which we will embed a special operating system to carry out hacking activities. After the vm is installed on a laptop or computer device, then install the Kali Linux operating system on the vm.

virtual machine

vm has been installed, and we have also installed the operating system for carrying out the attack, let’s now it’s time to explore and understand how to use the Kali Linux operating system. This stage is carried out for those who don’t understand and are new to Kali Linux. There’s no need to rush into the hacking part immediately, but need help understanding how to use the Kali Linux operating system as the most basic and primary weapon. Therefore, first, get to know what Kali Linux is, learn all the existing directories and the functions of each directory, get to know the command lines for editing files, creating files, deleting files, and moving directories to other directories (this method is the most basic and mandatory in know and understand) after all this you can and get used to letting’s shorten the time to carry out hacking activities by starting to enter the next step

we will proceed to the information gathering step first, in this session we will create a program with the Python programming language which we will run then the program will be able to track the location of the server a website is placed on, in this case, this information starts from obtaining information IP Address then the location information.

for that, I will continue making this program in the discussion of articles in the next part. Happy studying!

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