
This is my site, any opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of my employer

Through this page I want to convey what is behind the scenes of santricyber, and the purpose of why this blog exists.

For this reason, to facilitate the reading flow of this article, I will outline the subject matter in the table of contents below:

  1. The reason why this blog exists
  2. Who is this blog for?
  3. The technology used in this blog

1. The reason why this blog exists

I created this blog as a place to document everything I learn about technology, I aim for documentation that will not go out of any topic on this blog except topics related to the world of open source, especially Linux and Hacking.


The technology that comes from Linux such as server development, networking and things around technology developed using the Linux system is the reason I like it, especially with the support of the open source program culture which makes Linux even more interesting for me to learn.


I love the world of cyber security, especially penetration testing and I have been seriously studying it for the past few years for a target that I want to achieve. More in-depth I study for Red Team expertise focusing on knowledge about a series of attacks to test the security of websites and networks, besides that I am also interested in the world of Digital Forensics.

For this reason, whatever articles I post on this blog, you will not find any illegal activities that I do, and I emphasize that any criminal acts committed because of following the articles I upload on this blog, I am not responsible in any form and event afterwards. This blog is only for my personal documentation and learning purposes for anyone who wants to learn about Linux and Cyber Security to the extent that I know.

2. Who is this Blog for?

I dedicate this blog to anyone who wants to learn the two topics that I mentioned in the point above, namely LINUX and CYBER SECURITY.

3. Technology used in this blog

It would be incomplete, if I did not discuss the technology that is present to support my writings on this blog, simple technology that helps me so that my writings can be accessed using a Blog.

The following is a complete list:

  • Blog using Static site generator from Hugo
  • Domain I bought and registered through Domainesia Services
  • CDN and DNS management from CloudFlare
  • Source code repository through GitHub
  • VCS by GIT
  • Bulid, deployment and serverless backend by minify
  • Email Management by Sendinblue and CloudFlare
  • application for writing articles using VScode
  • this blog USING theme from THEME STACK By jimmy

Thanks Jimmy, i like your theme THEME STACK By jimmy

While this is all I remember a series of technologies from this blog, and I don’t want to switch to other technologies or add other features to this blog in the near future because the blog that I currently use is sufficient to support my personal documentation needs through writing and blog media.

That’s all for this article, thank you for reading it!

Contact me or Collaboration Let’s see my –> PORTFOLIO

Last updated on Jun 25, 2024 16:03 +0700
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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy